Friday, November 4, 2011

Caramels and Beer

Mr. Wino and I both have our vices. Mine is anything crunchy and salty - potato chips, pretzels, goldfish crackers, you name it. My dear husband, however, has a beast of a sweet tooth. If we buy a pint of ice cream, I will eat three spoonfuls, and he will devour the rest. He confessed to me recently that he can eat himself sick on his favorite sweet, caramels.

I didn't believe it. So while we were in a Godiva store, we bought some truffles (for me) and a bag of caramels (for him). In four hours, the caramels were gone. I'm still savoring my truffles.

Now that he had proved his addiction, he asked me to not buy them for him. So naturally, I went to Trader Joe's on Wednesday and bought some for him.

Mr. Wino did a really good job that night - he only ate three, then asked me to "hide them". But since I'm pretty sure he could sniff them out anywhere I stuck them, I tucked them right next to my chair. And amazingly, he had the self-control to not go looking for them... but tonight, I pulled them out, and we ate a few, and again he asked me to hide them.

I was determined to find a better hiding spot for them this time. So I sauntered into the kitchen and tucked them somewhere I was sure he wouldn't go looking, then (kind of smugly) sat back down.

A few minutes later:

Him: You know what I'm going to have for lunch tomorrow?
Me: What?
Him: A peanut butter and banana sandwich.
Me: Well, crap!
Him: What?
Me: I have to find a better place for the caramels. I put them between the peanut butter and the bananas! Damn it!

Of course, he laughed hysterically. He's a wizard, y'all.

On a boozy note, we went out to an early dinner tonight at a restaurant/brewery called DuClaw's. They make many very tasty beers, and we sampled a few. I had their Euphoria, which tastes a bit like toffee, and is very smooth. It's my "usual". Mr. Wino had both the Twisted Kilt, a typical Scotch ale that he said was strong but a good choice, and another seasonal, 31ยบ, which was "double spiced" and which we both thought was delicious.

Now we're at home, hanging out with some new books we treated ourselves to. Happy Friday to us all!

P.S. Tomorrow, the Suit Project begins. Dun dun duuunnnnn...

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