Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Obligatory Resolution Entry

So, we did diddly-squat for Christmas. I'm even still procrastinating on gifts. I need to send those out, preferably yesterday, so the dear husband stops needling me about them.

2011 was a pretty good year for us personally. We went on our first cruise; Mr. Wino ran his first marathon; I got a promotion and a (teeny) pay raise; we adopted a second cat; and at the very end of the year, Mr. Wino got to leave the unit he hated so much. Sayonara, suckers!

So what's left for 2012? Lots. We have resolved to:
  • Tighten our budget. We finally figured out a way to probably make it work, and we'd really like to have enough money to buy a house when Mr. Wino gets out of the military.
  • Tighten our belts (literally). As much as we love the vino and the delicious food, it's not doing either of our triglycerides any good. I'm making it a personal goal to minimize the processed foods we buy in an attempt to make us both healthier.
  • Tighten our booties (okay, that one doesn't really work). Mr. Wino ran a marathon last year and this year he wants to run a 50k, because he's crazy. I walked/ran a 5k last year and this year I will run at least one.
 Are all of our goals cliched? Yes. That's because they're classics. And a classic never goes out of style.

Happy new year!


  1. Definitely classics. Mine are pretty much all the same. I do want to learn something new again though. In 2011 I learned how to shoot a gun! Two rifles and a shotgun!

  2. I definitely want to learn something new. I was looking at "continuing education" classes in the area without too much success, and I'm considering a martial arts class.

    My only caveat for the continuing education is that it has to be an actual class with real people. If it's online, I will have no motivation to do it. Hopefully I'll find something. Good luck with yours! I didn't know you could shoot a gun.
