Sunday, February 19, 2012


I think we're trying to make up for our absence by overwhelming the blog with new posts. But we just couldn't help ourselves. Mr. Wino and I are now the proud uncle and aunt of a beautiful baby girl!

We are celebrating by drinking a sparkling wine and smoking a cigar (Mr. Wino only).

This sparkler was unusual. Usually you see a bubbly clear or pink champagne. This tasty sparkler was made of shiraz, a red wine. Nonetheless, it was absolutely delicious. It was very sweet and flavorful, with fruity/berry undertones. It's not an everyday champagne/sparkler - it might be best split amongst more than two people, because it's heavier than your normal sparkler. Definitely a break from the usual.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

*insert Rocky theme here*

I've been telling everyone I know that I signed up for a 5k in May and that I'm training very hard for it. That's my way of making sure I do it, because otherwise, my coworkers and customers will publicly shame me.

Now, loyal reader(s), you all know too. Bring on the potential shaming!

Today I reached the halfway point in the couch-to-5k program I'm on (this one), which has been a good choice for me. The challenge right now is to muscle past the point at about one minute of solid running where my lungs and calves refuse to run any further. I walk, and then I start it over again. Mr. Wino, the consummate runner, comes with me once a week and cheers me on - today I was dehydrated and loopy and tried to sing the Rocky theme for the last three minutes... you know, maybe that isn't something I should share with the general public.

This meme seemed appropriate.

In other news, I got a raise today! I celebrated... by buying more clothes for running in. It's an endless cycle, y'all.

This kinda got away from us.

Sorry folks, life has gotten crazy for us. I'm working at a five sided building in DC now, and between the work, the commute and my running, I have about enough time left over for maintaining our marriage and about six hours of sleep.

Excuses, excuses.

There's lots of stuff to catch up on! The other half just got a small raise and is weighing some career options that could make our life and finances go a little easier. My Dad gave me an entry into a 50 mile race this summer as an early birthday present, and I'm super stoked. We've just celebrated our third anniversary, sadly our first one together. Winette is training for a 5k and kicking ass! She's been counting calories and keeping us healthy and I'm proud of how much she seems to be enjoying herself (plus she looks even more amazing than before. You other ladies don't stand a chance!)

We've been waxing a bit existential lately. We both feel like we're not living up to our full career potential, and boy howdy that's depressing. On the bright side, we're both stable and working out of our college debts.

On a total tangent, I work with a guy who has been photographing the highest levels of our government for about 36 years. His name is Jerome. He's a very charismatic guy, he tells great stories, and his cubicle is right next to mine. Behind us there's a tv that's almost always tuned to either cnn or fox news. The other day we were watching some inane argument between senators, and I made a comment about how ridiculous it is that people buy in to some of the garbage politicians say just to attack other party.

Jerome immediately blows my mind. He starts telling me stories about how bitter rivals on tv usually are best friends. I won't go into details, because I feel like it would violate his trust, and it's all second hand anyways.

At first I'm pretty upset. Here's this old hat, been around the block DC figure telling me our government is an oligarchy and the whole system is a show. But then I started thinking about it, and it would be a really smart way to run a conglomeration of governments like our own. I tried to type it out in detail but it's pretty convoluted, so in summary, my thought is if you want to keep a large population with a variety of local governments stable you have to divide them against each other just enough to keep them bickering and out of the real details of governance, but not so much that things get violent. It saves you the trouble of having to rule with an iron fist, and all you have to really ensure is that you keep the middle class sustained enough to maintain a tertiary economy and by extension global influence.

Or maybe it's a load of bullhooey. But it's been on my mind. Feel free to comment.