Saturday, February 18, 2012

*insert Rocky theme here*

I've been telling everyone I know that I signed up for a 5k in May and that I'm training very hard for it. That's my way of making sure I do it, because otherwise, my coworkers and customers will publicly shame me.

Now, loyal reader(s), you all know too. Bring on the potential shaming!

Today I reached the halfway point in the couch-to-5k program I'm on (this one), which has been a good choice for me. The challenge right now is to muscle past the point at about one minute of solid running where my lungs and calves refuse to run any further. I walk, and then I start it over again. Mr. Wino, the consummate runner, comes with me once a week and cheers me on - today I was dehydrated and loopy and tried to sing the Rocky theme for the last three minutes... you know, maybe that isn't something I should share with the general public.

This meme seemed appropriate.

In other news, I got a raise today! I celebrated... by buying more clothes for running in. It's an endless cycle, y'all.

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