Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sorry for the late update

Tonight's Wine: Terra Barossa 2008 Shiraz Cabernet Petit Verdot, 4/5 stars

It's been a while since we've updated. Apologies, loyal reader(s). Let's catch up!
I ran the Army Ten Miler in 80 minutes, and the Baltimore Marathon in 4:23:19. Soon I'll be training for the HAT 50k Trail Run, up yonder Susquehanna Trail. A friend of mine signed up for the Run for Your Life, a race I had hoped to run in December 2012, but was unable to run it due to extremely poor race coordination.

Aaaaand by now all you non-runners are bored, so lets shift gears. My grandfather, possibly one of the greatest winos of all, sadly passed away last Thursday night. We all miss him very much, but more importantly, you should all know that I am the man you read before you largely because of his influence. He enjoyed life to the fullest, and was adored by so many. He was charitable, loving, and passionate, and the world is better for his mark on it. We here at the Wino household raise our glasses to him tonight.

On a brighter note, my oatmeal stout is ready to bottle! It came out a little smooth for a stout, so I'm debating making it a coffee stout, but I think I'd rather not fix what isn't broken.

In other news, my mead has more or less cleared, but I'll leave it in the fermenter for another couple of weeks, since it won't hurt it. After that it's in the bottles, corking, and we'll see how it tastes next zombie jeezus birfday.

And to conclude, I have a non wine recommendation. To celebrate completing my marathon, Winette gifted me with a fine bottle of scotch. Try Macallan's 10 year single malt. It's triple casked in sherry seasoned oak, giving you a medium flavored, smooth scotch with sweet undertones. Drink it neat. Or else.


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