Thursday, October 13, 2011

Zombies and cardio

Today was a pretty busy day. I went to the Baltimore Running Festival race expo and picked up some cool stuff. I had originally intended to frame the race shirt, since this will be my first full marathon but its actually a pretty cool shirt, so maybe not.

To me race expos are kind of like christmas. You walk in the door and right off the bat someone hands you a bag with free stuff in it. Then you go pick up your number, and then you get a t-shirt. After that you walk around and maybe score some more free stuff or find a good deal on something you've wanted. Fun all around.

Oooh and funny story about us winos. Those of you that know my secret identity may be aware that my phone was possesed by the spirit of a rabid squirrel. Well, after almost a month of fighting the phone company we finally got them to order a replacement, but they shipped it to the middle of nowhere.

The missus and I saddled up and started our long journey when she notices a school.
Her: "Oh look at all the kids, so eager to learn... inside their... barbed wire fence... what's the world coming...oh nevermind there's a laboratory next door"
Me: "That's not better. That's how the zombie apocalypse starts. All you need is a foggy day... like today... Honey, drive faster."
Her: *locks doors*

Maybe you had to be there.

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